The assignment focuses on Nurse Corps Scholarship Program. Also, there is an analysis of supporting mission of providing care. So, you are required to discuss your commitment to pursue a career in nursing.

Nurse Corps Scholarship Program-supporting mission of providing care

ESSAY QUESTIONS. How will you contribute to the mission of the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program in providing care to underserved communities? Also, what personal experiences have prepared you to work with underserved populations. Also, such as participation in a federal pipeline program, community service, internships, or experience in rural, frontier or tribal populations? Please discuss your commitment to pursue a career in nursing. Each response should limited to 500 word count or less (about a full page with spacing) in Times New Roman 12 font or equivalent, one page per essay. The applicant must provide the first initial and last name and their Application ID number at the top of each document.

Nurse Corps Scholarship Program-supporting mission of providing care

I have worked with DC Public school systems with under served children, is where I received my desire and passion to pursue nursing to one day be able to give back to communities by caring for those that cant help themselves. I also work in a state where the resources are low to the surrounding communities being unable to keep up with the healthcare needs of the communities.

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