The assignment talks about International Financial Accounting-annual reporting documents (2019 or 2018). So, prepare a table showing the breakdown between mandatory and voluntary content and between numerical, narrative and visual disclosures.

International Financial Accounting-annual reporting documents (2019 or 2018)

Select a non-UK, non US company and obtain its latest annual financial reporting documents (2019 or 2018). (a) (i)So,  Prepare a table showing the breakdown between mandatory and voluntary content and between numerical, narrative and visual disclosures. (30 marks) (ii) Secondly, discuss the nature of your findings and their implications for impression management. (10 marks) (b) Also, discuss the external influences on the company’s financial reporting (30 marks) (c)Besides,  discuss a possible position for the company’s accounting system within one of the major classifications that you have examined, giving your reasons. (30 marks) Refer to relevant regulation and research.

International Financial Accounting-annual reporting documents (2019 or 2018)

Additionally, financial statements must conform to accounting standards and legal requirements.  In the U.S., the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) establishes financial accounting and reporting standards (generally accepted accounting principles, or GAAP). Publicly traded companies must also comply with the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

International Financial Accounting-annual reporting documents (2019 or 2018)

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) works to develop internationally accepted financial reporting standards. FASB and IASB standards differ in some areas, and a movement is underway to align the standards to make accounting across borders easier in a world of increasingly global commerce.Notes to financial statements provide additional information about he financial condition of a company. So, the three types of notes describe accounting rules used to produce the statements, give more detail about an item on the financial statements, and supply more information about an item not on the statements.

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