The assignment focuses on News media industry-Digital transformation transition.So,describe what the News Media industry is about.Also,talk about the development from traditional towards digital

News media industry-Digital transformation transition

Tittle: The digital transformation on the news media industry: The Washing Post Case StudyFirstly, include Introduction 1.5 pages a. Please Describe what the News Media industry is about b. Define key terms c. Market size, KPI’s and PEST Analysis d. The digital transformation transition (Please talk about the development from traditional towards digital) Secondly,the effect of the Internet and digital technology on the industry (discuss advantages and disadvantages of the effect) 1 page Thirdly, Competitors analysis (why The Washing Post is interesting) 2 pages a. Use growth share matrix for general overview and make a Porter 5 forces analysis) b. Use swot analysis for Washington post .Lastly, Traditional Busines Model vs. Digital Business Model 2.5 pages a. Mention key difference between them.

News media industry-Digital transformation transition

b. Explain revenues and costs involved; use the businesss model canvas as a guide and explain each box 5. Additionally,the readers (consumers) in the digital media era (Use graphic with adoption —> early adopters, late majority, etc.) 1 page 6. The challenges of the digital transformation (from traditional to digital) 1 page a. Which obstacles had The Washing Post to face b. how the company overcame these and how the customer adapts towards it .Finally, include a conclusion 1 page a) Summary of the paper and outlook (own opinion) b) Further research proposal, what can be improved in the future, meet customers desires, maybe use co-creation process, etc. Requirements and considerations -Chicago style with at least 25 references, relevant and recent. However,the distribution of the pages (total of pages per point) can change, but not significantly.

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