The assignment focuses on Compare and Contrast network policies and best practices. Therefore, this is an opportunity for you to gain further expertise about a particular aspect of networking fundamentals. So, focus additional study towards a networking topic of your interest.

Compare and Contrast network policies and best practices

Firstly, you have hired as part of the networking team at UMGC.  After completing orientation and training, your manager calls you into a meeting to discuss your first project.The University interested in creating a repository of networking knowledge based on research papers.  The research papers will drafted by all employees, and you may select from a list of approved topics.  Project topic is “Compare and Contrast network policies and best practices. Main bullet point for the project outlined below. Compare and Contrast network policies and best practices. o Privileged user agreement o Password policy o On-boarding/off-boarding procedures o Licensing restrictions o International export controls o Data loss prevention o Remote access policies o Incident response policies o BYOD o AUP o NDA o System life cycle (asset disposal) o Safety procedures and policies

Compare and Contrast network policies and best practices

The research paper represents a great opportunity to focus additional study towards a networking topic of your interest It is also an opportunity for you to gain further expertise about a particular aspect of networking fundamentals that you will asked about in the certification exam.
Further details about the Network Research Project provided below.

Compare and Contrast network policies and best practices

Network Research Project (NRP) Requirements
The Network Research Project (NRP) expectations are to explain the concepts you are learning as part of this Networking Fundamentals course This is not an extensive review of the topic areas, but instead a cursory exploration of any approved topic you find most interestingYou should consider the additional details below to guide you through completion of the NRPQuality valued over quantity, but quantity is necessary for a quality paper.  It estimated that 3 – 5 pages (not including the title page) would be necessary to address each Network Research Project (NRP) topic.

Detailed Instructions


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