The assignment talks about ED20820 National Curriculum- subject in England or wales. So explain  factors that led to the subject’s inclusion in the original National Curriculum (1988 Education Act)?

ED20820 National Curriculum- subject in England or wales

Write a formal essay on the following topic:

Critically assess the development of one National Curriculum subject in England or Wales.


-choose what subject (i.e. English, maths, science etc) and either England or Wales


Your essay should cover the following points:


  1. What factors led to the subject’s inclusion in the original National Curriculum (1988 Education Act)?
  2. What view does the National Curriculum in this subject take, implicitly and explicitly, of the subject as a resource for the general education of pupils in schools?
  3. In what respects has the framework and/or content of the National Curriculum in this subject proved controversial?
  4. In what respects has the introduction of the National Curriculum in this subject changed the way the subject is taught and learned in schools?



ED20820 – Making sense of the curriculum – Assignment 1 guidance


  1. Make sure that you have read the current National Curriculum for your subject.


This is essential reading and must be referred to in your essay.


You will also need to refer to previous versions of the National Curriculum.

 ED20820 National Curriculum- subject in England or wales

  1. When you quote from the National Curriculum (any edition, either country), you must use quotation marks and correct referencing, including page numbers where there are page numbers.


  1. You must use the Harvard system for all sources. Check with the Reading List and ask if you’re not sure.


  1. Make sure that you keep track of the dates of your sources and write about them in the correct tense. For example,


Sealey (1996:38) says that the National Curriculum “expresses a belief that involving children in contexts which require standard English will lead to its adoption.”


Detailed Instructions


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