The assignment talks about the Monsters in Beowulf Poem-evil literally analysis. So,you must cite from the primary source in order to supplement your analysis, to show the reader what you are explaining and to help specifically prove your point.

Monsters in Beowulf Poem-evil literally analysis

Monsters in Beowulf (prefer thesis to be about proving they are evil).It’s no overstatement to say that Beowulf is – today – one of the most important surviving works of medieval literature. It is by far the longest Old English poem and – at just over 3,000 lines – preserves about one tenth of surviving English verse from before the Norman Conquest. But it’s also very much a mystery. There isn’t a lot we know about who composed it, or why, or even when.   The work you choose to research is your primary source(Beowulf). You must cite from the primary source in order to supplement your analysis, to show the reader what you are explaining and to help specifically prove your point.

Monsters in Beowulf Poem-evil literally analysis

You must also include a MINIMUM of TWO additional critical sources on your WC page AND cite from them in the essay.No more than one source can be from the internet (as in a source that appears ONLY on the internet). In other words, at least one reference must be to a “real” physically existent critical book, article, commentary, or essay. If you find that source through a literary database, it will still count as a print source; however, the citation must reflect the way it was found.The Critical paper will be written in the THIRD PERSON.Synthesis is crucial. Avoid merely copying what your sources express without paying attention to how the data works in your paper. This assignment is not a clustering of well-written quotes from critics. Keep citations to a minimum—15% of your whole paper.

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