The assignment talks about the Monism and Advaita Vedanta-samsara, atman and Brahman.So,explain the terms moksha, karma, maya, dharma, rita, samsara, atman, Brahman in your response.

Monism and Advaita Vedanta-samsara, atman and Brahman

Monism and Advaita Vedanta

       Monism is the notion that there is only one type of being, for instance the claim that only water truly exists is a monistic claim.  So are the claims that it is only spirit or ideas which exist.  (Therefore, monists can be, but are not necessarily, materialists.)

       Substantival monism is the idea that there is only one type of being and that all diversity is ultimately illusory. This is the form of monism found in Hinduism.

       The Vedanta view (in the Upanisads) also rejects the idea of materialism: not only is everything one, but the most fundamental part of existence is NOT material!

Essay #1: For this assignment, explain the Vedanta philosophy, and conclude by discussing your view of these ideas. Be sure to use quotes from the Upanisads to illustrate the points you want to make.

       Use/Explain the terms moksha, karma, maya, dharma, rita, samsara, atman, Brahman in your response.

       Introduce quotes from the Upanisads and then explain and interpret them in relation to your discussion.  Cite using in text citations. (Author p#)

       You may cite the textbook as (R&M p#) for all assignments.

       Is the Vedanta philosophy reasonable?  Does it accurately describe reality?  Why or why not? 

       Consider the notion of  a higher or “transcendental” reality.  Could it be true that there is an “immaterial” realm, or do you agree with the materialist view?

       What about the idea of monism?  Could everything really be “One” in spite of appearances?  In what ways does this seem true/untrue?  Is the concept useful?

       What is considered the highest form of knowledge in Vedanta?  Why is this seen as such an achievement?  What do you think about this idea?

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