re- write a narrative essay that tells the reader something happened to me
I want you to rewrite this story i will write it below and expand it and rewrite it in academic way!
i want you to write this story again as the instructor submitted above. say something about it and what the postie point and what my reader should learn of my story. try to expand it more by ading more details fit with the story.   this essay  has to be 1050 words .  try to make  it clear, organized  and in academic words as well. 
please before you done, keep in mind that . you have to end up why points… for ex what does the story meant to me . and what the reader will learn from it … again sir, do it carefully. this job has to be very good . that why i offer high price for it.
my name is Hadi 
The story : I was college student ( junior students)    in the 3rd year  in medical college in Saudi Arabia.  my major was Radiology and i choose that major because it was  the only Major does not work around bloody patience ( in my mind). so after three years of studying and my GPA was 3.2 of 4 i was not able to pass the  class of anatomy exactly, the lab section. I used to Faint when i see the dead people. it was kinda phobia appeared in my life.  I always get dizzy and faint at sight of blood . also, these dead people for study were smell formaldehyde solution. ( try to search about the anatomy lab and describe how is it)     so after failing pass the course for 3 times I decided to stop studying in medical college and planing to work. in that time my sister Fatima got a scholarship form her   university to study her master degree in the United State. the Government of Saudi Arabia offer for  any Saudi girl will accept to study abroad, they will offer her a chance to have a man( Father or brother or husband)  of her Family to be with her and help her and above on that the Gov  pay for this man for English school if he wants to learn English. also they give a salary and medical insurance.  so in that moments i was super sad of what happened   to me in college and the phobia I have figured on my self. My sister asked me if i want to go with her to  america and study English, then reconsider if  i want to go back to the medical college to complete my last year in college or not. she convinced me that I might become better and beat the fear  of blood. I took her advice and I went to america with her. after a year and half of studying in English institution. I got an admission from the college of business. i started thinking to study again from the beginning. from the first year in college. i wanted to tell my Family about my decision but I waited until i get the response form the Saudi Embassy in the U.S if they will provide a Financial guarantee for my classes and grant me  a scholarship for me as well.  after i communicated  with the Saudi agent in Washington DC and i explained my statues and i provided him my transcript for 18 mounts in the English institution. he stated, we will inform you our suggestion in 3 weeks.  those 3 weeks were the longest of my life. after 3 weeks i received  an E-mail from Saudi culture mission in the U.S. informing me that I am qualified for another 4 years scholarship due to my good grades during English learning period.  I got very happy and felt that was a gift from My god to not stop  learning and have success in my future life.
then, i was worried about my family how to convence them about my idea and what I’ve got because they don’t want me start over in college and forget about the 3 years i attended in school before. and in this time i already spent one and half year learning English. but with trying and explain to them this is the best for me, they accepted my idea and allowed me to start again and learn a new subject which is completely different  than radiology major. 
now, my sister Fatima  graduated and went back home to lecture in her college. about me im in the second year in college of business- finance major. i feel happy about what i have choose and never  regret  it.