This assignment focuses on Media role in American Politics. There is also an analysis of MSNBC and Fox News networks. So,view a show on each of the networks between the hours of 8pm and 11pm (eastern Time).

Media role in American Politics-MSNBC and Fox News networks

The media has always played a major role in American Politics. Today two networks on cable, MSNBC and Fox News have established themselves as the major networks that tend to espouse a certain political view. MSNBC tends to play more liberal prospective whereas Fox News, more of a conservative prospective. Your assignment is to view a show on each of the networks between the hours of 8pm and 11pm (eastern Time). You will watch a full episode of each on the SAME NIGHT and submitting the following: – name the show/host/date of each show -discuss in depth the main topics of each show -did you detect a political bias throughout the shows or did you find it more objective throughout the shows?

Media role in American Politics-MSNBC and Fox News networks

Please provide examples. – do you feel that these shows bring a positive or negative aspect to our nation’s political discourse? Why or Why not? Please provide substantive reasoning. -compare and contrast the style and substance of each show. -are you likely to watch one or both of these shows again? Why or Why not? Please make your paper a complete five pages. Here are the shows you can choose from: MSNBC 8pm-9pm All in With Chris Hayes 9pm-10pm The Rachel Maddow Show 10pm-11pm Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell Fox News 8pm-9pm Tucker Carlson Tonight 9pm-10pm Hannity 10pm-11pm The Ingrahm Angle.

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