This assignment focuses on the Media Ecology Theory. There is also a description of Effects of online classes on students. Use proper transitions within and between paragraphs to show relationships between your ideas.

Media Ecology Theory – Effects of online classes on students


Media ecologists know, generally, what it is they are interested in—the interactions of communications media, technology, technique, and processes with human feeling, thought, value, and behavior—and they know, too, the kinds of questions about those interactions they are concerned to ask.

But media ecologists do not, as yet, have a coherent framework in which to organize their subject matter or their questions.

Write a paper, using the Media Ecology Theory, that describes how the transition to online classes has affected student’s communication skills during the COVID-19. For this paper:

Media Ecology Theory – Effects of online classes on students

1. Provide a clear and sharp thesis.
2. Introduce the Media Ecology Theory but keep jargon to a minimum.
3. Avoid references to your work such as “this essay.”
4. Don’t give a roadmap like “First I’ll explain, then I’ll discuss, etc.”
5. Introduce all direct quotations with a single phrase, such as this: As Tim Wright notes, “…” No drop-in quotes.
6. Use proper transitions within and between paragraphs to show relationships between your ideas.
7. Use scholarly and credible sources in your research.
8. Lastly, provide specific and detailed examples to argue your thesis. Also, don’t be vague in your examples.

Detailed Instructions


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