This assignment focuses on the analysis of Renewable Energy. There is also a description of Mechanisms for heat transfer through a window. So,  briefly indicate how the heat energy is transferred through a window in each case.

Renewable Energy Assignment – Mechanisms for heat transfer through a window


Tutor-marked assignment (TMA 01)


TMA 01


Question 1


Study Guide 2 explored U-values and how heat energy s transferred through windows. After your study of Chapter 2 of Renewable Energy, guided by Study Guide 2, you should be able to explain heat energy flow through the materials in buildings, especially windows.


·                        a. State the three main mechanisms for heat transfer through a window, and briefly indicate how the heat energy is transferred through a window in each case.

Renewable Energy Assignment – Mechanisms for heat transfer through a window

3 marks

b.Original double-glazing designs simply featured an air gap between the two panes of glass. Since 2013 the minimum acceptable UK Windows Energy Rating for new and replacement windows (on a scale of A to G, with A being the best) is C. Argon filled units with a gap between 12 and 16 mm are able to achieve this. However, this is a potential problem for historic buildings.


Explain, with reference to the gap dimension and the properties of the contents of the gap, how glazing units with acceptable UK window regulation U-values may be achieved.


2 marks



o          i.In a house with a 3.0 m² single glazed window, what is the total rate of heat loss on a day where the outdoor and indoor temperatures are 3°C and 18°C respectively? (Data may be assumed to have been supplied to 2 significant figures (SFs)).


1 mark


o          ii.Assuming the temperature difference remained the same throughout a 24-hour period, what would be the total heat loss in kWh over the day?


1 mark


o          iii.What would the heat loss be over a 24-hour period if the single glazed window were replaced with a triple glazed window?


1 mark


(Total for Question 1 is 8 marks)


Question 2


·                        a. Briefly define, in your own words, the meaning of the phrases “winter design temperature” and “heat loss coefficient (HLC)”.

Renewable Energy Assignment – Mechanisms for heat transfer through a window

o          i.In a house with a 3.0 m² single glazed window, what is the total rate of heat loss on a day where the outdoor and indoor temperatures are 3°C and 18°C respectively? (Data may be assumed to have been supplied to 2 significant figures (SFs)).


1 mark


o          ii.Assuming the temperature difference remained the same throughout a 24-hour period, what would be the total heat loss in kWh over the day?


1 mark


o          iii.What would the heat loss be over a 24-hour period if the single glazed window were replaced with a triple glazed window?


1 mark


(Total for Question 1 is 8 marks)


Question 2


·                        a. Briefly define, in your own words, the meaning of the phrases “winter design temperature” and “heat loss coefficient (HLC)”.

Detailed Instructions


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