The assignment focuses on How Martin Luther King Jr. Changed the World. So, establish Martin Luther King’s Vision in changing America.

How Martin Luther King Jr. Changed the World.

Review paper on: How Martin Luther King Jr. Changed the World. Firstly, watch the documentary below “How Martin Luther King Jr. Changed the World” on youtube: Then write a review paper on the video (three pages, double-spaced and font size 12)

How Martin Luther King Jr. Changed the World.

Secondly, students taught about Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream. He envisioned a world where his children would not judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. In a tumultuous time, Martin Luther King Jr. led a civil rights movement that focused on nonviolent protest. No matter how many times he attacked in public, or how often his home was bombed, King was firm on nonviolence as a means to an end. So, how did Martin Luther King’s vision change the world? He changed the lives of all African Americans in his time and subsequent decades.

How Martin Luther King Jr. Changed the World.

Also, What Was Martin Luther King’s Vision? King believed all men created equal and should enjoy the same rights and privileges. One of his most poignant lines from his famous “I Have a Dream” speech was that he hoped his children would judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. His goal was to turn people’s minds so they’d come to the same understanding. As such, he staged nonviolent strikes, protests, and speeches.

How Martin Luther King Jr. Changed the World.

Also, he fiercely ingrained the notion of nonviolent protests into his followers’ hearts and minds. After his home bombed in 1956, what did he do? Finally, he and his members fervently prayed for their oppressors in church pews.

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