This assignment concentrates on the analysis of  Margaret Atwood’s poem, “Owl Song” . Therefore, you may choose to create a complex thesis that allows you to explore one poem in depth.

Margaret Atwood’s poem, “Owl Song” analysis

Margaret Atwood’s poem, “Owl Song” – Your final draft should be 4 pages long and include MLA format for all quotes. – Thematic Approach—In-Depth Analysis.  You may choose to create a complex thesis that allows you to explore one poem in depth. With this choice, you should include both historical and/or biographical details about the poet’s life and times, technical discussion of the poem’s poetic devices and speculation about the theme(s) that you chose to focus on. For example, if you were interested in writing about Andrew Marvell’s “To His Coy Mistress,” you could and should include a discussion of Marvell’s life as a cavalier poet, the period he lived in, the style of a carpe diem poem and finally how all of this information reinforces the overall argument made to the woman in the poem.

Margaret Atwood’s poem, “Owl Song” analysis

While this might seem a bit overwhelming, a bit of research on your poet can make an in-depth approach to a poem engaging and enjoyable. Also, Be sure to use direct quotes to support your commentary. Integrate them smoothly into your essay: Introduce, Quote, Analyze Use proper MLA format for quoting poetry. See your textbook for models of this. Write a focused opening paragraph that gives an overview of your thesis. Be sure to include a very brief overview of the poem. Do not include a detailed summary of the poem. With literary essays, you should assume that the reader of your essay is familiar with the literature. Do not use the term “narrator” but rather use “poet” when referencing the individual who wrote the poem and “speaker” when referencing the voice that is “telling” the poem.

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