Commercial Management in Construction MAN6CMC

Assignment1support document The following is to support you in your submission for the above module, it should be used in conjunction with the module learning materials and information/guidance from the Module Tutor team.Reflective Questions Below are some questions to help you consider what is required for the assignment.They are intended to prompt your preparation and planning of your assignment submission.Pleasenote,this is NOT a definitivelist;you need to ensure that you are clear on the requirements of the task then apply therelevantaspectsofyourlearning,readingandexperiencetocompleteit.Thefollowingquestionsarealwaysworthconsidering,astheyhelpyouunderstandtheaudienceforandpurposeofthetask:•Whatisyourroleinthisscenario?•Who are you writingtoandwhy?•Whatdoesthetaskrequireyoutoproduceorcreate?Thefollowingquestionsarerelatedtoyourspecificassignmentbrief:1.Whatarethekeyelementsabusinessstrategy?


2.How useful is a business strategy likely to be in the assignments cenario?

3.What are thekeyfeaturesofformalriskmanagementprocesses?4.Whyareformalriskmanagementprocessesimportant?5.Whatarethelikelychallengesofexpandingasupplychainoverawidergeographicalarea?6.Howcouldthechallengesofanexpandingsupplychainbeovercome?

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