The assignment focuses on Making an informed procurement decision. Also, there is a description of MSI Data Center relocation scenario. So, you are required to analyze to determine if physical security processes and procedures are adequate to provide safe and secure operation of the facility.

Making an informed procurement decision-MSI Data Center relocation scenario

Firstly, making an informed procurement decision is an important responsibility for an information technology (IT) project manager. In this exercise, you will compare and discuss the strengths and weaknesses in the responses of three potential vendors to a request for quote (RFQ) issued by Massive Solutions International (MSI). This is a continuation of the MSI Data Center relocation scenario. To budget for the relocation, MSI has asked three vendors to provide quotes for specific tasks to be accomplished in an RFQ. Review the RFQ information and specifications as well as the responses from the three vendors. The section below provides the RFQ questions and task specifications provided to the vendor to use when creating their quotes. Secondly, the quote is due by February 15 before 5 p.m. EST. How long has the company been in business?

Making an informed procurement decision-MSI Data Center relocation scenario

Has the company performed work of this nature before? Will the vendor use subcontractors to perform the work? Do employees have a security bond? Firstly, analyze new data center facilities to determine if power; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC); and communications resources are sufficient to support the level of operations being planned. 2: Prepare 225 physical servers for shipment from the existing location to the new data center. Task 3: Prepare new help-desk organization to support new data center operations at both tier-1 and tier-2 levels. Task 4: Analyze to determine if physical security processes and procedures are adequate to provide safe and secure operation of the facility. Click here for the responses from the three vendors. Your task is to complete the attached bid comparison form template using the information provided by each of the vendors. Click here for the bid comparison form template. 

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