This assignment focuses on Literature review on Postpartum depression. Also, it touches on treatment among African american mothers.

Literature review on Postpartum depression-treatment among African american mothers

You will need to write a literature review on “Postpartum depression treatment among African american mothers.” You will need to use PUBMED search engine found from this link  To help find 5 primary research articles relating to this topic to write your literature review. That is the only website you can use, and only articles you find from that search

Treatment among African american mothers

When you search using PUBMED. So,  make sure you type “Postpartum depression treatment among African american mothers.” Exactly like that in the search bar, and use any credible articles related to your topic to write a literature review. Also, will provide documents of sample literature reviews for you to get an idea on how it needs to be done.

Treatment among African american mothers

It needs to be in APA format. This review informs a current state of knowledge regarding risk factors for postpartum depression and has implications for clinical practice. Health care professionals should be aware that the phenomenon is as prevalent in Asian cultures as in European cultures. Women should be screened for potential risk factors and depressive symptoms during pregnancy and postpartum periods so that appropriate interventions, if needed, can be initiated in a timely fashion.

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