The assignment explores Lilly Jones case study.On the other hand, it provides a description of federal sentencing guidelines.So, in your opinion, do the guidelines allow judges enough discretion when imposing a sentence in this type of case?

Lilly Jones case study-federal sentencing guidelines

Assignment Details As an investigator with the Federal Public Defender’s Office, you are assisting Assistant Federal Defender Lilly Jones with gathering background information on offender Ben Smith, who pled guilty to distribution of a controlled substance (5 kilograms of cocaine). Mr. Smith is being sentenced next month.

Since the early 1970s, commission-based guideline structures have emerged. As the principal alternative to traditional practices of “indeterminate sentencing,” . Under which judges and parole boards hold unguided and unreviewable discretion within broad ranges of statutorily authorized penalties. Sentencing guidelines in operation have varied widely in their form, content. Also. legal authority, and even in their nomenclature. (Not all guidelines called guidelines.).  It is thus treacherous to assume that “all guidelines created equal.”

Lilly Jones case study-federal sentencing guidelines

In a 2–3-page paper, provide an overview of the following: What sentence required in this case based on the federal sentencing guidelines? Why were the federal sentencing guidelines developed, and what is their purpose? In your opinion, do the guidelines allow judges enough discretion when imposing a sentence in this type of case? Should judges have more or less discretion when it comes to sentencing? What are the 3 most important things Ms. Jones should tell the judge at sentencing about Mr. Smith to aid in sentencing?

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