The paper talks about Moral Leadership vs. Ethically Responsible Behavior.So, Select two ANY current companies: one that exemplifies moral leadership and the other ethically responsible behavior. Then, review the cases with the goal to outline the difference between moral leadership vs. ethically responsible behavior.

Moral Leadership vs. Ethically Responsible Behavior

 The dilemma of moral leadership vs. ethically responsible behavior raises many questions: Should self-interest come before the interests of others or the greatest good?

 Can a moral leader be a successful leader?

 Can leaders ethically manage their “power”?


 Select two ANY current companies: one that exemplifies moral leadership and the other ethically responsible behavior.

Secondly,  review the cases with the goal to outline the difference between moral leadership vs. ethically responsible behavior.

Moral Leadership vs. Ethically Responsible Behavior

The focus is on leaders rather than on a general treatment of business ethics and includes a summary of the theory of ethics. This topic examines the significance and relevance of ethics in leadership and ethical behavior including ethical decision-making. In the course of their work leaders may be confronted by ethical
dilemmas. How should those dilemmas be addressed so that the organisation, groups and individuals within the organisation are not adversely affected, especially when ethics lies between the domains of codified law and free choice, where there are no specified laws and they are based on shared principles and values. So, Here ethics rely on obedience to unenforceable norms and standards of individuals and as such disagreements and dilemmas about proper behavior often occur.

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