The assignment concentrates on Leadership style of Ginny Rometty (IBM). Besides, there is a description of the Impact on Business Success. So, offer clear value to the customer and deliver a superior.

Leadership style of Ginny Rometty (IBM) – Impact on Business Success

Your job through this case study project is to analyze the leadership style of one of the prominent business leaders and its impact on his/her business success. Case study about: Ginny Rometty (IBM). Written report (20%): The report should showcase your study in a clear and cogent manner. A good report is consistent throughout, well written, provides an eloquent discussion of the implications, and will cite appropriate resources where needed. This must include:

 Leadership style of Ginny Rometty (IBM) – Impact on Business Success

Firstly, a brief biographical background of the leader highlighting any experiences that may have affected their contributions to contemporary management thinking. Secondly, a discussion of the relevance of his/her contributions to our understanding of effective leadership that is still relevant today and will probably be relevant in the future.

 Leadership style of Ginny Rometty (IBM) – Impact on Business Success

Also, special emphasis should be placed on understanding and presenting the relevance of his/her leadership approach as it applied to private sector organizations as well as public organizations in United Arab Emirates. 

It’s not easy to set yourself apart from the crowd in a market where everyone is selling the same product. You have to find a way to offer clear value to the customer and deliver a superior experience if you want to survive, let alone succeed. You might think that all it takes to differentiate yourself in the market is a bit of clever marketing. While marketing helps, it only carries you so far, and it isn’t enough on its own. Companies can differentiate themselves in different ways. Some companies succeed by setting higher standards for their products and services than their competitors set. Others compete on price but that can also result in a race to the bottom.


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