The assignment focuses on Law enforcement in America- management and leadership challenges. Also, cite real-world examples to strengthen your discussion and illustrate your points

Law enforcement in America- management and leadership challenges

Leadership Personal Issues and the Rules of Law. Firstly, law enforcement in America has seen drastic changes over the past one hundred years. From educational requirements of officers to the interpretation of the Bill of Rights. Law enforcement officers today are expected to perform their duties at a very high level of professionalism and morality. Unfortunately, when officers don’t perform at this high level, it is their commanders who ultimately may held responsible for their actions. Use your textbook, the Internet, and/or Strayer Library ( to research credible sources on the aforementioned issues as they relate to law enforcement operations and management. Write a 5- to 7-page paper in which you explore the constraints on the police in democratic societies and assess the management and leadership challenges.

Law enforcement in America- management and leadership challenges

Cite real-world examples to strengthen your discussion and illustrate your points. Address following in your paper. Firstly, examine change in requirements police hiring agencies have had for potential candidates. over the last 50 years and discuss the effects on law enforcement organizations. Support or critique the current requirements. Secondly, examine two areas in which federal courts have placed limits on officer’s constitutional rights due to the nature of their work and explain the reasoning. Additionally, identify three constraints placed on law enforcement and examine how these constraints affect how law enforcement conducts their operations. 4) Examine two current events in which police supervisors held criminally liable. Could be for their officers’ misconduct and explain the reasons why. 5) Use at least four quality references. 

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