
Against stiff competition from some other large oil corporates, your board of directors have now successfully acquired the assets covered in last weeks assessment.These assets were: exploration data for 5 licences which are under assessment. This data does not comply with any standards. There is one oilfield – Iso Field that is developed, of which the company owns a 20% stake. They do not operate this field. The data from this field does not comply with any standards. There was also a large downstream gas supply business with 4 million UK customers. This business uses software which uses a cloud based system which routes data through a service provider based in the Republic of Ireland.

Your company already owns the following UK assets: 10 licences under assessment with all data compliant with Energistics standards, 7 oilfields in production:

  • Ascari Field – 25% interest not operated – mature field The data from this field does not comply with any standards
  • Bently Field – 20% interest – not operated – mature field The data from this field does not comply with any standards
  • Corvette Field – 20% interest – not operated – mature field The data from this field does not comply with any standards
  • Daimler Field – 25% interest – not operated – new field The data from this field complies with the Energistics standards
  • Elise Field – 20% interest – new field for which the company is operator with all data compliant with Energistics standards
  • Firebird Field – 20% interest – new field for which the company is operator with all data compliant with Energistics standards
  • Griffin Field – 25% interest – new field – not operated The data from this field complies with the Energistics standards
  • In addition, there is the Hummer Refinery with all data compliant with Energistics standards , which has more than enough capacity to handle output from all UK company interests.
  • There is also a recent acquisition of a petrol distribution chain operating across the UK with 10 million registered user accounts – mostly private individuals. This business is based on software which a new employee brought with them from a competitor. As part of this all information is put on the cloud, routed through a service provider based in the USA.

The requirements:

You should develop a data governance management policy for the business. I would expect you to cover standards, strategies and legal issues addressing legislation and regulation as relevant to the scenario. I would also expect you to discuss compliance, assurance, audit, security and risk and I will be including these in the most relevant lectures during the week.The board have indicated that this might present a good opportunity to align all corporate data policies for all of their UK interests, which operate as a separate division. You should consider how the data governance management policy should be adapted to achieve this objective and what challenges might be faced.This report should be between 1,500 and 2,000 words and should address all the assets of the UK division, including the newly acquired assets and the recently acquired assets, indicating how these and the mature assets might be aligned with the existing UK compliant assets. This report will be worth 30% of your course mark.

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