Coursework Questions (answer one question from each of the below sections)

Section A: Theoretical Questions

  1. Using the labour-leisure choice framework, examine the impact on a worker’s labour supply of a fall in their wage rate.  Analyse the subsequent impact on the worker’s labour supply decision of an increase in the costs of commuting to work. 


  1. Using an appropriate diagram, describe how an increase in the price of capital affects a firm’s labour demand decisions in the long run. 


  1. With reference to examples, examine the labour market outcomes that are produced in a bilateral monopoly.

Section B: Empirical Questions 

1. With reference to relevant empirical studies, assess estimates of the rate of return to education in 

   the UK and US. 


2. Explain how discrimination in the labour market can be measured. What does existing evidence 

   indicate about the amount of wage discrimination that is experienced by ethnic minorities in the UK?


3. Discuss why members of trade unions typically earn more than non-members. Using the available 

   empirical evidence, discuss the extent of the wage premium that is received by unionised workers in  

    the UK.


Section C: Policy-Oriented Questions


  1. Examine the policies that can be introduced to address market failures affecting the provision of on-the-job training.


  1. Describe the main policies that governments can use to reduce wage inequalities.


  1. Critically evaluate the policies that governments have used to combat high levels of unemployment. 


Assessment Criteria (further details will be provided in the rubric): 

  • Understanding of key underlying theoretical concepts and issues (30%)
  • Discussion and interpretation of relevant empirical analysis (30%)
  • Appreciation of key policy considerations and their implications (30%)
  • Presentation and Referencing (10%)


How will we support you with your assessment?

  • You will receive formative feedback in week 10. This will take the form of comments on your answer to one of the questions from Section A. Your answers should be submitted by 2pm on Monday 8th November (submissions that are made after the deadline will not receive any feedback). 
  • There will be a detailed assessment briefing in Week 6, in addition to the introduction to the assessment that takes place in Week 1. 
  • A Frequently Asked Questions is available on the module’s Moodle site. This document will be further updated, as required, as additional questions emerge. 

How will your work be assessed?

Your work will be assessed by a subject expert who will use the marking grid provided in this assessment brief.  When you access your marked work it is important that you reflect on the feedback so that you can use it to improve future assignments.


You MUST use the Harvard System.  You should already be familiar with the Harvard system, which is very easy to use once this is the case.



Assignment submissions

The Business School requires a digital version of all assignment submissions.  These must be submitted via Turnitin on the module’s Moodle site.  They must be submitted as a Word file (not as a pdf) and must not include scanned in text or text boxes.  They must be submitted by 2pm on the given date.  For further general details on coursework preparation refer to the online information via StudentZone

Mitigating circumstances/what to do if you cannot submit a piece of work or attend your presentation

The University Mitigating Circumstances Policy can be found on the University website –  Mitigatin Circumstances Policy

Marking and feedback process

Between you handing in your work and then receiving your feedback and marks within 20 days, there are a number of quality assurance processes that we go through to ensure that students receive marks which reflects their work. A brief summary is provided below.

  • Step One – The module and marking team meet to agree standards, expectations and how feedback will be provided.
  • Step Two – A subject expert will mark your work using the criteria provided in the assessment brief.
  • Step Three – A moderation meeting takes place where all members of the teaching and marking team will review the marking of others to confirm whether they agree with the mark and feedback 
  • Step Four – Work at Levels 5 and 6 then goes to an external examiner who will review a sample of work to confirm that the marking between different staff is consistent and fair 
  • Stop Five – Your mark and feedback is processed by the Office and made available to you.