The assignment focuses on Labor and social justice struggles and religion in U.S. Also, pick an aspect of labor history and show how religious issues were important.
Labor and social justice struggles and religion in U.S
Firstly, pick an aspect of the historical relationship between labor or social justice struggles and religion in the US. May pick a particular religious tradition and write about its perspective on labor issues, or alternately pick an aspect of labor history and show how religious issues were important. Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details. Secondly, the essay needs to cited from the class reading too. Class reading are; Firstly, Craig. Chapter. Secondly, religion, Women, and Politics. Thirdly, Norman Ware. The Labor Movement in the US, 1860-1895(1929)ch.5 “The Order and the Church” 3) Ronald Walters. American Reformers. (1978) Chapter 8 “Dangerous Classes and Working Classes” 4) James Cone. Also, utilitarian theories emphasize actions that bring about the greatest good and least harm for the greatest number. From this perspective, individual rights can infringed upon if doing so helps meet the interests and needs of the majority.
Labor and social justice struggles and religion in U.S
“Black Theology in American Religion” Journal of the American Academy of Religion v. 53#4 (Dec.1985) 5) Crag. Chapter 3 The Fractured Vision of Christian and Socialists (other sources can used too) It can be from any religions but the issue or historical must be from within in the US. The essay is basically how religion has a view on labor and social justice. Some students of social justice consider its meaning in terms of the tensions between individual liberty and common social good, arguing that social justice promoted to the degree that we can promote collective good without infringing upon basic individual freedoms. Some argue that social justice reflects a concept of fairness in the assignment of fundamental rights and duties, economic opportunities, and social conditions.
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