This assignment focuses on the analysis of Karl Marx’s analysis of class. There is also a description of Aspects of Marxian class theory. So, was Marx correct to see class as the primary contradiction in capitalist society? How can we theories other axes of oppression such as gender and race?

Karl Marx’s analysis of class – Aspects of Marxian class theory

Final Paper Questions


Choose ONE question from the following list of questions:


1. Select any two theorists we have studied and compare and contrast their different approaches to the study of class.


2. How has Karl Marx’s analysis of class been borne out by history? So, which aspects of Marxian class theory remain useful and which must be rethought?


3. Was Marx correct to see class as the primary contradiction in capitalist society? How can we theorise other axes of oppression such as gender and race?


4. Is class still a relevant category today? How might we rethink the concept of class to account for contemporary realities?

Your Final Paper should be 2500 words double-spaced, not including the reference list.

Your essay should be referenced using Harvard style with a reference list included at the end.

This paper contributes 40% of your total mark for the course.


Karl Marx’s analysis of class – Aspects of Marxian class theory

A high standard of work is expected for your essay, including careful proofreading and meticulous attention to citation/referencing. You are expected to make a clear, well-substantiated, and succinct argument based on the readings from the unit. So, you will need to start planning and drafting your essay many weeks before it is due in order to give yourself the opportunity to develop your ideas as fully as possible. Use your reading kit and any additional reading sources provided on Canvas. You may draw on outside readings and sources for the essay, but it is not necessary and most of the sources should be drawn from the unit.

Your Final Paper will b assessed according to the following criteria:


– Quality of argument and focus in response to the essay question

Detailed Instructions


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