The assignment focuses on Gang Suppression assignment- Judicial and law enforcement.So, Once you have chosen your topic and conducted sufficient research, generate a college-level writing work meeting the following criteria: The length of the paper shall between three and five pages long.

Gang Suppression assignment- Judicial and law enforcement

For this assignment, select one of the following topics to research, investigate, and write about:

-Transnational Gangs

-Female Gangs

-Gang Suppression (law enforcement)

-Gang Suppression (judicial)


The presence of a youth gang problem must  recognized before anything meaningful can  done to address it. Identification of manifest and underlying factors contributing to the problem is  also important. Those with responsibility for addressing the problem—representatives of criminal justice and community agencies, grassroots organizations, schools, churches, local businesses, even gangs—should participate in describing its nature and causes and recommending appropriate solutions. Consensus must  developed on the definition of the youth gang problem—particularly by decision makers of key agencies, community organizations, and government units.

| Gang Suppression assignment- Judicial and law enforcement

Once you have chosen your topic and conducted sufficient research, generate a college-level writing work meeting the following criteria: The length of the paper shall between three and five pages long, NOT INCLUDING a title page and a Reference page. Also, NO abstract is needed for this assignment. Use a minimum of four resources in the generation of the work. The format of the paper will follow APA guidelines and include properly formatted in-text citations and end of work references. The final product shall be in MS Word format, double-spaced, using Arial or Time New Roman 12-point font, and in APA format.

Detailed Instructions

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