The assignment focuses on IT Online Training-attributes, operation and requirement. So, You will also complete Section 4.3 List of Classes with  details on training attributes and Definitions. Begin the modeling of the requirements by using the noun analysis technique to identify domain classes.

IT Online Training-attributes, operation and requirement

The purpose of this assignment is to review the IT Online Training Project. Secondly,begin the modeling of the requirements by using the noun analysis technique to identify domain classes. Thirdly, outline attributes, operations, and requirements. In this assignment we will begin the analysis for a case study, the  Project. Which will used for your assignments throughout the course. You will need to review the IT Online Training Project Requirements 2018R2 document and become familiar with it. Furthermore, For the analysis portion of the project, you will use the Analysis Specification Template 2018R4. Finally, fill in sections as the course progresses each week.

IT Online Training-attributes, operation and requirement

The Analysis Specification Template is a Word file that has predefined sections. Importantly ,you will need to fill them in each week until the specification completed. It has instructions also in the document as to how to use it. It is common practice in systems development to use templates for various types of documents to standardize the documentation and development practices throughout an organization. For this assignment, you will complete Section 1 of the Analysis Specification Template 2018 which will come directly from the IT Online Training Project RequirementsAdditionally, You will also complete Section 4.3 List of Classes with Definitions, Attributes and Requirement Number by creating a list of classes with definitions, attributes, operations, and requirement number by analyzing the IT Online Training Project Requirements document. In the Analysis Specification, complete the following Sections: Sections: 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 4.3, and 4.3.1. Instructions 1. Review the Quick Resources at the end of this Assignment. 2. Review the IT Online Training Project Requirements 2018R2 and the Analysis Specification Template 2018R4 . 3

Detailed Instructions


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