“Is America to Blame for the Drug Wars in Mexico?” 

Read the synopsis below and watch the video that follows:

From 2007 to 2009, nearly 10,000 people in Mexico died in drug-related violence. Who or what caused this? Some argue that it is Americans’ insatiable demand for illicit drugs and the constant flow of guns from the United States, that arms the drug cartels. Others blame Mexico’s own government, which, they claim, is so corrupt that it cannot clamp down on the cartels. Unable to ignore the rising violence spilling over the border, Congress approved $700 million in security aid for Mexico and promised to increase the number of federal agents and intelligence analysts. Officials on both sides wonder whether this will make a dent in the problem.

  1. Should Mexico’s government take full responsibility for what goes on within its own borders? Or should the US Government take some of the responsibility for the flow of Drugs into the USA and the drug war violence inside Mexico?



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Based upon your required and supplemental learning materials and resources, complete your assignment. 
Read the attached documents on Bb: 

  1. Zedillo, E. (May 2012). “Rethinking the ‘War on Drugs’: Insights from the US and Mexico” (attached in Bb as a PDF file).
  2. Foreign Policy at Brookings Institution (Mar. 2009). “The Violent Drug Market in Mexico and Lessons from Colombia” by Vanda Felbab-Brown; Policy Paper No. 12.  (Pages 1 – 19) This is optional

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