The AP0614 applied Bioinformatics and Post Genomics assignment entails  cancer Microarray datase analysis. So, describe the results obtained from a multi‐part practical which comprehensively characterised a cancer, transcriptomic microarray set.

AP0614 applied Bioinformatics and Post Genomics- Cancer Microarray datase analysis

AP0614: Applied Bioinformatics and Post Genomics  & AP0610: Genomics

Component 1: Coursework Report on Bioinformatic Analysis of a Cancer Microarray datase

 Learning Outcome:

Demonstration of understanding the processes underlying the bioinformatic investigation of a cancer microarray dataset. Specifically, ability to interpret and critically appraise the results from (i) subgroup discovery in the data, (ii) characterisation of the differentially expressed genes, (iii) demonstration of robustness of subgroups by application of a classifier to an external dataset.

Aims: To describe the results obtained from a multi‐part practical which comprehensively characterised a cancer, transcriptomic microarray set.

Experimental Summary:

In the workshop on “Microarray Analysis and application to cancer”, you discovered subgroups within the medulloblastoma transcriptomic microarray dataset. This was followed by another workshop on “Gene set identification and annotation” where differentially expressed genes defining each group were identified, along with the enrichment of different gene ontologies, that will provide clues as to the nature of each subgroup, and what is driving the disease in these tumours. In the third workshop on “Designing and validating machine learning classifiers”, you derived a classifier from the differentially expressed genes and validated it in an external dataset.


AP0614 applied Bioinformatics and Post Genomics- Cancer Microarray datase analysis

Instructions and Information:

Firstly,prepare a report that summarises all aspects of the three workshops – see guidance below for report structure.

Secondly, This work should be completed individually      

 Thirdly, your work should  referenced in the Vancouver style (see Cite them Right if unsure). Indicative word count: 1500 words.

Fourthly, Consult the marking rubric below to help you structure your report.

Finally,    Marks and feedback will be provided within 20 days of the submission date.



Detailed Instructions


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