This assignment focuses on Investment Strategy report. There is also a description of security to trade. So, you are required to explain the rationale of your proposed strategy using qualitative and/or quantitative analyses.

Investment Strategy report-security to trade

Investment Strategy

You will need to examine financial markets as you wish and propose an investment strategy. Basically, you need to pick a particular security to trade, and you  required to explain the rationale of your proposed strategy using qualitative and/or quantitative analyses. The project report should have the following component: • A clearly defined investment strategy. For example, you can act as a security analyst and recommend to investors a particular stock to buy, with suggested timing, reasonable price range, and investment horizon. • An extensively-elaborated explanation of the rationale behind the investment strategy. You need to provide qualitative and/or quantitative analyses that make your proposed strategy convincing and compelling. If you recommend one particular stock, you probably want to do a valuation exercise with well-specified assumptions, together with analyses of the firm’s business and product markets (e.g., a SWOT analysis).

Investment Strategy report-security to trade

The report is expected to be written in the style of business documents. Special notes for the writer: 1. The first material I have uploaded is the project guideline. According to the requirements, both picking an individual stock and make an investment portfolio are accepted in this project. However, our group wants to choose a particular stock, so please do so. 2. The 2nd document attached is a sample report provided by our professor. He suggests we follow the structure of this paper. However, you  not required to follow all the details in this paper. Instead, you can always write anything that can support your investment strategy.

Detailed Instructions


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