POLS 1100 Essay Assignment 1 Respond to TWO of the following prompts:

1. Compare and contrast the three models of democracy: majoritarianism, pluralism and elitism (see course video). 

• Describe each model in your own words

• Critique each model in your own words: how does it fall short of aligning with the reality and/or the ideals of American democracy?

• Which model do you think most accurately represents democracy in the United States? Why? 

2. Compare and contrast the two major compromises of the Constitution: The Great Compromise and the Three-Fifths Compromise. Each one reflects the resolution of a conflict between groups of states.

 • Describe each compromise in your own words. 

• Include a discussion of the different viewpoints that were in conflict and why the compromise was necessary and effective in solving each dispute. 

• Do you think that the Three-Fifths Compromise was a good idea? Explain why or why not. If not, what do you think the Framers should have done instead? Why? 

3. When the Constitution was drafted, the Framers wanted to strictly limit the power of the people. Over time, the system has changed to allow more democracy. (See the section “Altering the Constitution: More Power to the People” in your textbook). This change pitted the ideas of the Framers (a very limited democratic republic) against reformers like the Jacksonians and the Progressives.

 • Explain why the Framers wanted to limit the amount of true democracy in the U.S. and instead to create a republic.

 • List the important changes made by reformers such as the Jacksonians and the Progressives. Why did they want change? 

• Choose ONE change and elaborate on it. 

• Do you see these changes as positive or negative? Explain your answer. 

• If you could talk to the Framers, what would you say to them about their ideas of strictly limiting the power of the people in the United States? 

4. The system of federalism was a brand-new innovation created by the Framers of the Constitution. 

• Explain the argument at the Constitutional Convention between those who wanted more state control and those who wanted a stronger federal government. 

• Explain how federalism was seen as a way to resolve the conflict. 

• Explain the reasoning in Federalist 10 and Federalist 28 that addressed the concerns of the Anti-Federalists (advocates of state power) and helped convince them to support and ratify the Constitution 

• Given the changes in the system of federalism that have happened in the last 100 years, what do you think Jefferson (Anti-Federalist) and Hamilton (Federalist) would say about how federalism works today? Would they approve or disapprove? Why?