The assignment talks about Interview with an Electrical Engineer. Also, there is a description of a company in California. So, choose a company in California for which the Interviewee works for

Interview with an Electrical Engineer: company in California

Interview with an Electrical Engineer. Firstly, If it is possible choose a company in California for which the Interviewee works for. Introduction [approx. half a page]. Secondly, list the company he/she works for, the product/service that this company offers? Thirdly, you need to set up the rhetorical situation in the introduction. So that all of these questions are answered. Remember, introductions “set the stage” by explaining the Who? Why? Where? When? This will be at least half a page. >>Conclusion (double space): Sum up what was meaningful about the interview. Questions to Ask are following: Firstly, inquire about the communication skills necessary on the job. Ask: what kind of writing is done on the job?

Interview with an Electrical Engineer: company in California

Secondly, one environmental question. Also, does the company have environmental policies? Does the interviewee’s job deal with environmental issues? What are the environmental concerns within that industry? Thirdly, does the company have a code of ethics?. Has the interviewee dealt with an ethical dilemma in the workplace that he or she is willing to share? Additionally, begin with career questions about the interviewee’s job title, duties, responsibilities. Fourthly, what inspired you to pursue this career? Also, ask what typical day on the job looks like. What do you do first, second, third? 7. Ask for a brief description of his/her career path(Electrical Engineering). How did they get to where they are working currently?

Interview with an Electrical Engineer: company in California

8. Ask them about what projects they are most interested in or what they would create if they were ‘in-charge’ of the company? 9. Ask for advice about your electrical engineering degree and courses or experiences they recommend? 10. Ask technical questions, if interested, that relate to your major 11. Ask for personal advice, if appropriate: what top three personality traits would you say are important to have in this field? 

Detailed Instructions


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