The assignment focuses on Internship Learning Experience Report. Besides, there is an analysis of Organization chart. So, describe your typical working day. 

Internship Learning Experience Report – Organization chart Analysis

Description. Interns required to submit a college-level written account of the experience by the last day of the internship course to receive academic credit. Revisions accepted following the first submission, but an approved report must be on file by the end of the academic term following the internship. Presentations, spreadsheets, published works, photographs, products, or recordings may submitted in addition to the internship report, and often act as important supplementary material, but these do not replace the report itself. Because evaluation of the student internship requirement rests upon the content of the internship report, students must outline their experience in detail.

Internship Learning Experience Report – Organization chart Analysis

The report should written objectively with specific examples of new concepts or ideas experienced during the internship assignment. Also, the report should not be a personal account of your time or how you felt about the job. Report should offer observations on how the real world works and what an intern has learned during their assignment. Meeting the Internship requirement based on the report and how the experience broadens the student’s perspective beyond the actual work performance.

Internship Learning Experience Report – Organization chart Analysis

Firstly, Contents of the report with page numbers, list of tables, list of figures, and references. Secondly, introduction of the Internship Thirdly, A short explanation why this agency/institution has chosen and a short account of the major activities carried out during the internship period. Fourthly, description of the Company/Institution 5. Give a brief history of the agency, including its various departments, full mailing address and relevant web links. III.

Internship Learning Experience Report – Organization chart Analysis

In which sector the agency/institution operates? 2. What are the services offered to its customers? 3. Provide an organization chart of the company, along with information on the number of employees. IV. Internship Activities 1. This is the main part of the report. It should present the activities performed during the internship period. 2. Describe work functions: Describe your typical working day (working hours), unusual working days (field trip, overtime), etc. 3. Mention difficulties and challenges (familiarization with the new work, communication, any problems.

Detailed Instructions


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