This assignment focuses on the analysis of International Crime Witness. There is also a description of Differences in criminal code and legal procedures. Also, summarize the manner in which the police in Saudi Arabia would likely treat the defendant.

International Crime Witness – Differences in criminal code and legal procedures


research the differences in criminal code and legal procedures between the United States and Sadi Arabia.

Imagine you are traveling abroad in Sadi Arabia when you witness a local national committing a violent assault. So, the criminal is arrested and charged by the police. Upon returning to the United States, a professor in one of your criminal justice classes asks you to complete a written report about your experience and the differences in criminal code and legal procedures.

Write a 3 paper in which you:

International Crime Witness – Differences in criminal code and legal procedures

Determine the pertinent demographic, social, political, and economic factors about your chosen country.
Examine the manner in which Saudi Arabia criminal code would likely view the crime you witnessed. Also,  provide a rationale for the response.

Differences in criminal code and legal procedures

Choose two individual rights that the United States grants criminal suspects, such as search and seizure, right to counsel, et cetera, and analyze the country’s perspective on each right. Provide support for the analysis.
Summarize the manner in which the police in Saudi Arabia would likely treat the defendant. Provide justification for the response.

Classify the fundamental similarities and differences between the police culture in Saudi Arabia compared to the United States.
Use at least four quality references.

Detailed Instructions


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