Module name: Integrated Approaches to Complex Care

Module code: HS3015

Assessment title: 

Formative assessment:

Throughout the module you will be expected to participate in activities such as group work, peer review and feedback, and facilitated discussion. These will help you to achieve the module’s learning outcomes and prepare you for the summative assessment. You will gain both peer and lecturer feedback on these as part of your seminar work.

Summative Assessment: 

Pictorial or graphical representation of a complex patient/services user’s care journey and supporting essay (100%)

You will develop a pictorial or graphical representation (e.g., a poster, mind map or Gantt chart) depicting the care journey or involvement with health and care agencies, of a patient/service user you have cared for in practice with complex needs. This will demonstrate the relationships and main issues associated with these interactions. 

  • Demonstrating roles, responsibilities of all members of the multi-disciplinary Team (MDT)
  • Awareness of different types of team working

The supporting 1500-word essay should identify the rationale for choosing the patient/service user journey, critique the key elements of your pictorial representation, apply relevant regulatory, policy and legal frameworks and critically explore the relationships between health care agencies and the patient/service user. 

Both elements of the assessment must be submitted in the assessment drop box. 

Pass mark

The pass mark for this assessment is 40% You are required to achieve the minimum pass mark in this assessment.


You will receive your feedback 4 weeks after submission of the assessment. Individual feedback will be given using a marking rubric.

Marking criteria

Please find the marking criteria below for both assessment components. They are descriptions, based on the module’s learning outcomes, of the skills, knowledge or attributes you need to demonstrate in order to complete an assessment successfully. Your feedback will be based on them.

Please also consult the Grade Related Criteria in the Programme Handbook, for descriptions of the level of skills, knowledge, or attributes you need to demonstrate to achieve a certain grade or mark in an assessment. These will also be identified in the marking rubric for this assessment.

Assessment Criteria

In this piece of work you will be expected to: Proportion of marks allocated

Provide a pictorial or graphical representation of a care journey

You will have:

  • Chosen a style of pictorial or graphical representation which effectively demonstrates the care journey of a patient/service user with complex care needs
  • Used all fonts and diagrams effectively for visual impact
  • Clearly depicted the patient/service user’s care journey in a logical style. 

Demonstrate logical and coherent development in your work. It must be clearly 


You will have:

  • Structured your essay in a logical manner including an introduction and summary or conclusion
  • Demonstrated a coherent line of discussion




Use correct citation practice

You will have:


 Identify the Patient/Service User and their complex care needs

You will have:

  • Identified and introduced the patient/service user with complex care needs from your own practice experience
  • Recognised core care needs requiring multi-agency care input
  • Clearly identified and discussed interprofessional and collaborative working depicting an awareness of different types of team working

Application of evidence and guidance

You will have:

  • Established a critical rationale for relevant policies or frameworks chosen to support the patient/service user’s journey 
  • Considered the role of patient/service user choice and the role of advocacy
  • Demonstrated knowledge of relevant legal, regulatory and policy and ethical frameworks and guidelines

Critique relationships between health care agencies and the patient/service user

You will have:

  • Critically evaluated outcomes of the care for patient/service user and their family and carers
  • Reflected on your role in managing the patient/service user’s journey through complex care
  • Recommended actions for developing future nursing practice in complex care management

