The assignment focuses on Innovating the School Curriculum – Annotating the scheme of work. Also,  include some discussion on current policies may affect/do affect the curriculum generally and in your specialism

Innovating the School Curriculum – Annotating the scheme of work

The annotated copy should emailed to your tutor by the assignment deadline. The second part will be a written report (1,700 words) in which you consider underlying ideology and curriculum model(s) reflected in the document, evaluate the extent to which it addresses local need and issues such as inclusivity. This should uploaded to Turnitin. There should be a minimum of 6 references. 3) Guidance for annotating your scheme of work: a) Use the Comments function in the Review tab rather than handwriting on a hard copy. b) Identify specific instances where a particular ideology or curriculum model evidenced. c) Comment on examples of good or not so good pedagogical practice for your subject area. d) Comment on the appropriacy of the content for your particular student group, identifying examples of outcomes, activities or resources that may be particularly suitable or may need to altered.

Innovating the School Curriculum – Annotating the scheme of work

 Also, Include some discussion on current policies may affect/do affect the curriculum generally and in your specialism. Secondly, include a brief description of the local socio-economic context and comment on the extent to which the SOW appears to address local needs. Demonstrate an understanding of what meant by an inclusive curriculum, how far the SOW incorporates this principle, and how you might amend it to improve inclusivity. Evaluate the extent the SOW fulfils learners’ needs and embeds (addresses) issues of inclusivity, respect for diversity and wider agendas such as employability, embedding of English and Maths and British Values and global issues such as sustainability. Provide examples of how these issues might incorporated. Conclusion • Here you should add some of your own reflections on the suitability of the document for its stated purpose and for your student group

Detailed Instructions


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