The assignment focuses on Information Security Strategy Development – policy assignment. Also, critically assess the boundaries between the different service models

Information Security Strategy Development – policy assignment

Information Security Strategy Development Assignment: Part 2 Date for Submission:Firstly, please refer to the timetable on ilearn  After completing the module, you should be able to: Firstly, evaluate the basic external and internal threats to electronic assets and countermeasures to thwart such threats by utilising relevant standards and best practice guidelines. Secondly, analyse the legalities of computer forensics phases and the impact of the legal requirements on the overall information security policy. Thirdly, critically assess the boundaries between the different service models (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS) and operational translations (i.e. cloud computing) and to identify the associated risks.

Information Security Strategy Development – policy assignment

Fourthly, critically investigate a company information security strategy to provide consultation and coaching through reporting and communication. Also, assess, compare and judge computer media for evidentiary purposes and/or root cause analysis. 6) Apply relevant standards, best practices and legal requirements for information security to develop information security policies. 7) Lifelong Learning: Manage employability, utilising the skills of personal development and planning in different contexts to contribute to society and the workplace.

Information Security Strategy Development – policy assignment

Your assignment should include: a title page containing your student number, the module name, the word count; the appendices if relevant; and a reference list in Arden University (AU) Harvard format. You should address all the elements of the assignment task listed below. Please note that tutors will use the assessment criteria set out below in assessing your work. Maximum word count: 2,500 words Page 3 of 6 [1514]

Information Security Strategy Development – policy assignment

Also, please note that exceeding the word count by over 10% will result in a reduction in grade by the same percentage that the word count is exceeded. You must not include your name in your submission because Arden University operates anonymous marking, which means that markers should not be aware of the identity of the student. However, please do not forget to include your STU number

Detailed Instructions


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