The assignment focuses on Independence Medical Center Data Discovery analysis. You are required to analyze the Independence Medical Center data sets attached in terms of quality and potential issues with integration of the data.

Independence Medical Center data-Data Discovery analysis

Data Discovery. Analyze the Independence Medical Center data sets attached in terms of quality and potential issues with integration of the data. Note content quality issues and issues related to the format of the data elements. Use your findings to write a Data Discovery Report in which you do the following: – Describe formatting issues when using and storing data for multiple sources. – Describe data quality issues when using multiple sources. – Identify ways to maintain clean, high-quality data when using multiple sources. From the discovery process, you will define the core data for  Medical Center. Review the Core Data Spreadsheet. It will describe the elements and formats that will comprise the core data set for  Medical Center. Complete the spreadsheet based on Independence Medical Center data sources and systems, following the meaningful use guidelines.

Independence Medical Center Data Discovery analysis

Create a spreadsheet with information that describes elements and formats for the purposes of enterprise information management. Describe your rationale for your selection of sources, systems, and items for the core data set. Format: Report in a Word file (2 pages) and Core Data Spreadsheet in an Excel file (attached, 1 page)

To establish the benefits of EIM software, it’s useful to look at the problems it solves. Put simply, it addresses all issues that an organization faces when managing and exploiting the data and content within its business. EIM platforms have evolved to address the key pain points that all enterprises are facing when developing their information management strategies. Firstly, Central management and control of all information within the organization. Secondly, the ability to handle and exploit structured and unstructured data wherever it resides. Thirdly, seamless access to structured and unstructured data to enable effective digital business processes and workflows. fourthly, deliver an omnichannel experience for both customers and employees

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