This assignment focuses on Increasing Visuospatial working memory. There is also a description of Math achievement and gamification. Also, differentiate between visuospatial working memory and math achievement.

Increasing Visuospatial working memory – Math achievement and gamification

Gamification as tools to increase Visuospatial working memory and math achievement

Define visuospatial working memory and math achievement.
Find the connections:
1. between visuospatial working memory and math achievement.
2. between gamification and visuospatial working memory
3. between math achievement and gamification

Increasing Visuospatial working memory – Math achievement and gamification

Working memory can be described as a system of the brain, which momentarily stores and manipulates the information that is needed for the complex cognitive tasks of comprehending language, learning, and reasoning . Then, working memory is pivotal to the complex activities and occupational performance of children. At this crucial stage of development, working memory capacity is significantly associated with processing speed, attention span, language, writing, and mathematics The mechanisms and processes which hold the mental representations of most current urgency for ongoing cognitive tasks available for processing are also part of working memory. A reasonable inclusive definition is therefore the comparatively small body of information that a person can retain in mind, attend to, or, in technical terms, maintain in a state that can be quickly accessed at a single time .

Please find some measurements for measuring gamification and visuospatial working memory and math achievement.

Attached herewith are the references for the literature review

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