The assignment focuses on Incarcerated Women in U.S  -public policy analysis. So, highlight and analyze a public policy area related to Incarcerated Women in the United States.Preferably either mental health treatment or drug treatment while incarcerated.

 Incarcerated Women in U.S-public policy analysis

Most important, you need to note that Research Paper.  Length: 12-14 pages (NOT including title page and reference page). Secondly, Spacing: Double-spaced, 1” margins Style: Sources Needed. Thirdly objective voice (no first-person). Use page numbers in citations whenever applicable. Do not falsify citations 5 – 10 Criteria: • PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE BEGINNING • . Highlight and analyze a public policy area related to Incarcerated Women in the United States.
Preferably either mental health treatment or drug treatment while incarcerated. Would be open to another topic pertaining to incarcerated women in the United States if that would make it easier to gather relevant data. • Use the headers below for each section AND subsections/sub-requirements. Bold and underline the five main headings. The research assignment must present the following: 1. Introduction (Length: 1 page) Firstly, Why is the specific policy important?

Incarcerated Women in U.S-public policy analysis

Secondly What are you interested in examining? Thirdly Outline the problem/situation that your proposal addresses. If you’re trying to solve a problem or build on an opportunity, you have to define it first. Be as specific as you can. Don’t assume that the reader knows anything about your community or the situation. Also,  Don’t dwell on the negative; don’t portray the problem as one that’s too overwhelming to solve. When you define a problem, define it in a way that it’s clear that you can actually address the problem.

Incarcerated Women in U.S-public policy analysis

2. Literature Review (Length: 3 pages) a. Several refereed journal and book publications, and briefly examine related research on this topic b. The literature review should flow smoothly and examine key ideas and concepts – do not separate out your summaries article by article or book by book, but instead integrate in the ideas you want to cover in paragraph format for the topic you chose. 3. Research Design & Hypothesis Development (Length: 2 – 3 pages) 

Detailed Instructions


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