This assignment focuses on Importance of statistics on Network Security. There is as well as description of Company Employee training on Diligence. So, the memo should describe the purpose and context of the data, and draw at least one conclusion.

Importance of statistics on Network Security – Company Employee training on Diligence

Network Security is extremely important within a company – it’s what keeps their data safe and locked away in the right place, and accessible to only those who are authorized to handle it. Additionally, it keeps the company’s technological services and functions safe within their own hands, not manipulated my malicious outsiders attempting to wreak havoc on an organization. This memo will outline several important statistics on Network Security (specifically the causes and damage that network breaches can create) and stress the importance of training and diligence from any company’s employees. Network Breaches – Statistics

Importance of statistics on Network Security – Company Employee training on Diligence

There are a great number of manners in which companies can find their network breached, ranging from elaborate Phishing scams designed to gain passwords and access to core functions and data servers of companies, to hackers will ill-intent out to leak company information, or simply partake in mischievous behavior. While many employees may believe hackers to be the largest threat to companies – as they are mysterious and are perceived to have the power to break into any system – statistics from several sources show an alarming truth: employee error Page 2 accounts for a massive percentage of data breach causes.

Importance of statistics on Network Security – Company Employee training on Diligence

Find (or create) some numerical data and write a memo describing the data. The memo should describe the purpose and context of the data, and draw at least one conclusion. You should include the data in a table or an appropriate graphical representation (chart) of the data, or both. You should use the guidance given in Chapter 12 of the text. Typically, you would use Excel to create the table and chart, then import them into Word. It is important that you do not just regurgitate the information from the chapter. You should use the chapter, but also go beyond it to use outside sources.

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