The assignment focuses on Impact of oil price changes on the financial markets of the UK and Russia. In-depth knowledge of what others have written on the subject. Then, critically review established normative theories and past recent studies published mainly in Academic Journals, proper conceptual review, appropriate background review.

Impact of oil price changes on the financial markets of the UK and Russia

The impact of oil price changes on the financial markets of the UK and Russia. Paper details 1) Literature review: In-depth knowledge of what others have written on the subject, critically review established normative theories and past recent studies published mainly in Academic Journals, proper conceptual review, appropriate background review, clear articulation of main research questions raised by the literature/theory review, and convincing link made to the discussions on research methodology. So,  (Length approx. 4000 words) 2) Findings and Analysis: So, In-depth analysis of the data actually collected, well-articulated arguments relating findings to initial objectives. Also,  provide a critical narrative that respond to the research question, individual judgements rendered and supported by sound arguments. (Length approx. 4000 words).

Oil is an important wealth of post-Soviet countries as Azerbaijan, Russia and Kazakhstan. From the start of production over the last 150 years oil is playing an important role in economy and it is considered to be the country’s main source of income. Medium and long-term prospects of the country’s development are directly dependent on the oil sector strengths.  Proceedings from the sale of oil play a key role in addressing some of the social and economic problems. Besides, Oil export revenues are an important source of income for post-Soviet countries such as Azerbaijan, Russia and Kazakhstan.  All those countries with rich natural resources have achieved significant petroleum projects, especially after gaining independence, and those projects have generated huge oil revenues.

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