The assignment discusses Impact of offshore wind farms. Besides, there is a description of England Navigation system Review. So, determine disturbance effects and avoidance responses.

Impact of offshore wind farms – England Navigation system Review

Description In order to obtain a marine license, offshore wind farms developers need to conduct a NRA . Navigation safety in england and wales and evaluate international and national primary sources, so for example UNCLOS, The Energy Acts 2004 and 2006 and The Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. Looking at marine spatial planning in the UK will probably also be helpful. It will also be necessary to distinguish between the different zones (i.e. territorial sea, EEZ etc.).

Impact of offshore wind farms – England Navigation system Review

The four key lessons learned that we discuss are: 1) Identifying the area over which biological effects may occur to inform baseline data collection and determining the connectivity between key populations and proposed wind energy sites, 2) The need to put impacts into a population level context to determine whether they are biologically significant, 3) Measuring responses to wind farm construction and operation to determine disturbance effects and avoidance responses, and 4) Learn from other industries to inform risk assessments and the effectiveness of mitigation measures.

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