The assignment focuses on Immigration policy in America-Statue of Liberty poem.The poem on the Statue of Liberty expresses how many have felt about immigration to the US in the past, but not so much today. How has immigration changed under President Trump?
Immigration policy in America-Statue of Liberty poem
This Research Paper will consist of a 1000 to 1200-word essay from the assigned topic listed below. Please choose your words carefully and make sure your paper is no longer than 1400 words with your citations. Put your name at the top, skip a line and then start writing. Be sure to focus on relevant information and not extraneous personal information like exact birth dates, siblings, pets, mother’s/father’s occupation, etc. Here is a good place to find source material: (Links to an external site.) Make sure your discussion is significant to the topic at hand and researches/discusses both sides of each issue. In your conclusion, discuss your own opinions on the subject; for or against, etc. and justify that conclusion!
Immigration policy in America-Statue of Liberty poem
America was founded on the idea that we are a country that is supposed to welcome immigrants, since we were founded by immigrants and immigration has always been a huge part of our national growth. The poem on the Statue of Liberty expresses how many have felt about immigration to the US in the past, but not so much today. How has immigration changed under President Trump? What have we seen with the annual number of immigrants coming into our country legally and illegally? What was the recent announcement by Governor Abbott on legal immigration to Texas? Also, What affect do you think these policies have had and will have on our economy? Do you think these policies are a good thing, that we should continue into the future, or not, and why?
Although your conclusion is your opinion be careful NOT to use “I” or “we.” Personal pronouns are not to be used in a formal research paper, which this is, even though it is a bit short. Just say it like you mean it, and it is a fact.
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