The assignment focuses on Identity and Diversity by Locke- views on responsibility and punishment. Also, you should try to write this in the form of a unified essay, as opposed to a series of prompts.

Identity and Diversity by Locke- views on responsibility and punishment

 Essay on Of Identity and Diversity by Locke. Firstly, write a short essay (2-3 pages) on the questions below:In section 22 of the Locke reading (p.48), Locke responds to an objection to his views. What is the objection and why might it be considered a problem for Locke’s views? (Note that the objection concerns Locke’s views on personal identity as well as their connection to the views on responsibility and punishment that he elaborates on pp. 46-8.)How does Locke defend his position against this objection?Do you think this defense is successful? Why or why not?Further instructions:• You should try to write this in the form of a unified essay, as opposed to a series of prompts. • Your first (introductory) paragraph should be very short, i.e., no more than two or three sentences.•

Identity and Diversity by Locke- views on responsibility and punishment

You are encouraged to use the first person in this essay in contexts in which it is appropriate. For example, “In this essay, I shall ….” “I think Locke’s response to the objection is inadequate for the following reasons….” “I think Locke’s response is adequate, since ….”• Try to be as clear and concise in your writing as you can be. It is fine if you don’t “fill up” the three pages. Experiment with saying only what you need to say (the bare minimum) in order to make the expository or critical point that you wish to make

Detailed Instructions


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