This assignment focuses on Hypertension management and prevention. There is also an analysis of nursing theory or conceptual framework. So, provide a brief context for the patient, family, or population struggling with this health problem

Hypertension management and prevention-nursing theory or conceptual framework

For this paper please choose ONE of the following topics related to nursing: diabetes self management.  Hypertension management and prevention once the topic is chosen first section will discuss. Define a patient, family, or population health problem, and realistic goals, that are relevant to personal practice.  Introduce a general summary of the health problem that you will be exploring. Provide a brief context for the patient, family, or population struggling with this health problem. Propose one or more goals that you deem appropriate and relevant to the health problem. So, briefly state why this health problem is relevant to your personal practice as a nurse. Second section you will discuss. Analyze evidence from the literature and professional sources to support decisions related to defining and guiding nursing actions related to a health problem.

Hypertension management and prevention-nursing theory or conceptual framework

Compare and contrast the authors you will be citing, discussing pros and cons of the evidence you are reading about.  Note whether the authors provide supporting evidence from the literature that is consistent with what you see in your nursing practice. Also, assess the quality of the data presented in the articles you are reading.  Discuss how you would know if the data were unreliable.  Include what the literature says about barriers to evidence-based practice.  Describe research studies that present opposing views regarding this health problem.  Describe what the literature says about a nursing theory or conceptual framework that might frame and guide your actions during your clinical practicum.

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