The assignment concentrates on Human Factor– computer interface. Besides, there is a description of Development of Cognitive Structures. So,  Incorporate scholarly sources to support your analyses and recommendations.

Human Factor– computer interface – Development of Cognitive Structures

Human Factors Briefs: Firstly, human Factors Briefs are based on the course learning outcomes and module objectives. Secondly, the assignments will have you develop a brief that highlights human factors. Issues or principles related to the module topics. Thirdly, these typically are posed as problems or situations in an applied setting. Additionally, will have you address human factors considerations focusing on the cognitive elements specified. You may find examples and similar situations in the literature; however, you will need to become proficient in using key words that encompass human factors principles and issues as you conduct your searches for material.

Human Factor– computer interface – Development of Cognitive Structures

Critical thought and reasonable problem-solving skills will essential. For this course, the written products must: at least 800 words (be sure to include a cover page, abstract and conclusion), and references, with Times New Roman font using 12-point size, all per APA format and style 6th edition. • Consist of a title that reflects your topic, an introductory paragraph (Note: An introduction heading is not used in APA format), sections that address the assignment requirements, and a summary paragraph. • Incorporate scholarly sources to support your analyses and recommendations, beyond those included in course readings. Include citations and references (properly formatted using APA style guidelines). • Not use quotations from sources.

Human Factor– computer interface – Development of Cognitive Structures

Required Reading and Media Textbook: Goldstein, E. B. (2019). Cognitive psychology: Connecting mind, research, and everyday experience (5th ed.). Boston: Cengage. LTM: Encoding, Retrieval, and Consolidation. : Conceptual Knowledge Supplemental Reading: The mystery of cognitive structure and how we can detect it: tracking the development of cognitive structures over time. 

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