The assignment focuses on How effective communicators write for different audience. You required to  formulate a unique answer to the course question. Also, write a persuasive, evidence-based essay that convinces your audience to accept and agree with your answer to the course.

How effective communicators write for different audiences

(aka “The Final Essay”) – PROMPT Assignment Overview: This final essay is the capstone writing assignment of 39A/AP. All the topics and strategies we have covered. Additionally, all the writing you have produced throughout the quarter has led up to this culminating assignment. This MA2 assignment designed to be firstly, open-ended, secondly, cumulative and thirdly, specific to your own experience. The experience in this course and development as an effective communicator. The central question of this course is, “How do effective communicators write for different audiences?” Consequently, you have developed your ability to recognize the standards and of genre and context. Also, to think critically about your role as a rhetoric, to analyze the audiences with which you communicate, and finally to manipulate the way you communicate to engage your audience and achieve your purpose in any given situation.

How effective communicators write for different audiences

Therefore in this second Major Assignment, you will formulate a unique answer to the course question. So, write a persuasive, evidence-based essay that convinces your audience to accept and agree with your answer to the course question. This assignment standardized across all sections of 39A/AP. The main goals of this assignment include; Firstly, thinking deeply about the course question. Secondly, demonstrating your understanding of the topics and skills you have practiced. Finally, applying them by writing an effective argumentative essay. In this final essay, your task is to distill and apply the writing and rhetorical skills and strategies you have developed in Writing. To assert and defend your own unique answer to the central question of this course. 

Detailed Instructions


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