The MOD000030 QTC Hotels assignment entails Equity and the Law of Trusts. So, you are instructed to advise the company secretary of QTC Hotels on what basis, if any, they might make a claim against BIA.

MOD000030 QTC Hotels-Equity and the Law of Trusts

Equity and the Law of Trusts                    

Module Code:        MOD000030                                



QTC Hotels Ltd is seeking to expand its international chain of hotels and is looking to purchase a hotel in Brazil. Particularly,  for £15m from Rio de Janeiro Hotels SA. Given the complexity of buying property abroad QTC Hotels was assisted in the purchase by Brazilian Investment Advice Ltd (BIA).  BIA acted as both an intermediary and consultant. However, unknown to QTC. BIA had a secret arrangement with Rio de Janeiro Hotels to the effect that the latter would pay BIA £1.5m as a result of selling the hotel.


QTC has subsequently discovered the payment of the secret commission and seeks to recover the £1.5m. However, on receipt of the money BIA invested it into two separate ventures. The first, Brazilian Rubber Industries SA failed and the whole £800,000 investment  lost. Also, The second. Also,was considerably more successful and the £700,000 initial investment into Sao Paulo Industries SA is now worth £2.1m.

MOD000030 QTC Hotels-Equity and the Law of Trusts

 You are instructed to advise the company secretary of QTC Hotels on what basis, if any, they might make a claim against BIA.

Written assignments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words. When a written assignment marked, the excessive use of words beyond the word limit is reflected in the academic judgement. Of the piece of work which results in a lower mark being awarded for the piece of work (regulation 6.70).

 This assignment must  submitted via Turnitin GradeMark (see module guide on VLE for further information) by no later than 2pm on  22nd  May 2020

Detailed Instructions


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