The assignment focuses on HSBC Holding analysis-Professional equity and debt analysis report. Also, the report will compare and contrast company performance with the major competitor and/or the industry

HSBC Holding analysis-Professional equity and debt analysis report

Professional equity and debt analysis report. Firstly, the writer must be able to use Bloomberg for research and analysis. Secondly, the report asks to choose one company from UK FTSE 100 and I chose HSBC Holding, whose nannual report can be from: Thirdly, it should have 300-word executive summary and 3200-word report. The report should follow the requirements in the doc called “1_Report Requirement”; It listed Mark Distribution. Doc “2_Framework-Part 2 to 6” listed what should be included in the report as a framework. Fourthly, please insert figures, charts, tables etc. Also, extra requirement: The report will compare and contrast company performance with the major competitor and/or the industry. 6. Additional info: doc “3_FAQ” listed questions that can be references. 7. PPT 4 to 6 provide guidance for report writing.

HSBC Holding analysis-Professional equity and debt analysis report

1 Income statement analysis. Most analysts start their analysis of financial statements with the income statement.  Intuitively, this is usually the first thing we think about with a business… we often ask questions like, “how much revenue does it have, is it profitable, what are the margins like?” In order to answer these questions, and much more, we will dive into the income statement to get started. There are two main types of analysis we will perform: vertical analysis and horizontal analysis. Vertical analysis. With this method of analysis of financial statements, we will look up and down the income statement (hence, “vertical” analysis) to see how every line item compares to revenue, as a percentage. For example, in the income statement shown below, we have the total dollar amounts and the percentages, which make up the vertical analysis.

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