Please use the book The Art of Digital Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Creating Strategic, Targeted, and Measurable Online Campaigns as one of the sources for the research.

Quick Response

Pop-up ads are forms of online advertising that suddenly appear in the foreground of the visual interface. The concept was meant to encourage enterprises and individuals to advertise to people while they are browsing and conducting their business without having a web address for the advert. However, the concept is not well received in the society as evident with the emergence of search engines questions about ways to block the pop-up ads CITATION Ben04 l 1033  (Bennett, 2004). For example, YouTube pop-up ads interfere with the clip playing and hence causing the users to be irritated and skip the ad or seek alternatives to block the adverts completely. However, business uses this form of advertising to encourage people to have an insight into their products and services…

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